Arts and Recreation Committee Meeting

Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee
April 20, 2004 Meeting Minutes

Ray Cox will move it.
Tim Lloyd will coordinate the painting.
Jim Braucher will do the engineering.
The City supports the move.
We still need to arrange a concrete base.
Arts Guild will do a plaque.

We should have a parade. Perhaps Saturday, August 7th.
The focus could be the moving of the sculpture.
Sam Demas will arrange for one float.
Ross Currier will line up one musical group.

Karen Helland has asked Over and Back to consider designating Artswirl as the benefitee of their performance.

Middle School:
Artspace submitted their preliminary report to the school board last week. Its a go. The next step is the tax credit application.
We should have an event during Artswirl that recognizes the Middle School as a part of our overall objective of having Northfield considered an Arts Town.
Jill Enesvedt will look into a Film Festival.

Just Food:
Food as Art.
Ross Currier will look into Just Food doing an event during Artswirl.