As downtown Northfielders are probably aware, there is concern about potential real estate tax increases in 2006.
A number of downtown building and business owners have spoken with the NDDC about this issue recently. The statements of property valuations for the purposes of determining real estate taxes arrived last week and they include valuation increases from 2004 to 2005 ranging from 27% to 159%.
The increase in the valuation does not necessarily directly translate into an increase in your tax bill. However, an accountant and an appraiser that are friends of the NDDC are building some models of potential tax scenarios. If you would like to have your information included in this model, give it to Joe Grundhoefer at The RuebNStein. We will post this information after it’s been compiled.
There is an “Open Book” Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 27th, 10 am to 1 pm, at the Northfield City Hall on this topic. Anyone can attend this meeting and speak with the County Appraiser.
There is also a County Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 14, 8:30 am at the Rice County Government Service Building.