Posting of Post-Its: Ad Hoc Task Force/Downtown Improvement Process

Thanks to Keith and Judy Covey, we now have a a posting of the ideas document (5 page PDF) generated by the group attending the NDDC’s recent Evening Forum.

Some of the attendees merely observed; most of the attendees shared their ideas on post-it notes.

Dixon Bond

Those ideas on this list (PDF) that are in a broad sense “Streetscape” or, at the very least, Capital Improvements, will be carried by the NDDC Representative, Joe Grundhoefer, to the Mayor’s Ad Hoc Task Force.

If you have comments, attach them to this blog post, use the Contact Us form to reach me via email, or, better yet, eat at The Rueb.

The attendees included:

Charlie Skinner
Ross Currier
Dan Bergeson
Keith Covey
Joe Grundhoefer
Rene Huckle
Michelle Kubitz
Rob Brown
Griff Wigley
Dixon Bond
Scott Davis
Jim Pokorney
Jody Grundhoefer
Deanna Kuennen
Warren Ringlien
Victor Summa
Bart DiMalignon
Sue DiMalignon
Norman Butler
Stephanie Henrickson
Kevin Ward
Kiffi Summa
Dean Kjerland
Abigail Gardener
Jeff Tenney