NDDC Board Goes Crazy!

A number of the NDDC Board Members were caught up in the craziness yesterday. They all seemed to be having a great time. (Click any photo for a larger view.)

Dave Shumway, 1st National Bank of Northfield, tidies up in preparation for the crowds. He usually gets the big bucks for celebrity endorsement with this pose…

Linda Schneewind, Digs Home Furnishings, works on a creative new way of moving a shipment as things get under way. I think you’re going to need a few more balloons, Linda…

Brett Reese, Rebound Enterprises, was out shopping with his family. Looks like you’re not doing something quite right with that bag, Dad…

Joe Grundhoefer, J. Grundy’s Rueb-N-Stein, is flippin’ some of those famous burgers. His staff appears to be waiting for him to get out of the way so that they can get cranking…

Anastasia Balfany, The Market, shows off some of her fine merchandise. That goat head mask might be the most…uh, unusual…item I saw on sale during the day…

Tristan Cox, Northfield Construction Company, looks for a place to park. Good luck with that, Tristan…

Renee Huckle, Northfield News, serves up some treats on Bridge Square as the day comes to a close. She sure has a knack for digging up those “scoops”…

The NDDC board members were clearly having a great time yesterday…but they weren’t the only ones. With the perfect weather, the positive attitudes and all the excitement downtown…a good time was had by all. See N.org’s Crazy Daze 2005 photo album for six dozen more photos.