Lunch and Learn is Back

I just got an e-mail with an important public service announcement. Lunch and Learn is back at the Northfield Arts Guild.

On the last Tuesday of each month from noon-1:00 p.m. the Arts Guild (304 Division Street) will host a series of lectures from experienced professionals on a variety of topics related to the arts.

The cost of the lectures is $3.00. Bring a brown bag lunch, or for an additional $6.50 you can pre-order a boxed lunch prepared by Bon Appetit. Beverages provided. (Orders for a Bon Appetit boxed lunch must be received by noon on the Friday before the lecture.)

Here’s the presenters and topics for the immediate future of the series:

Jan 31: Robert Anderson, photographer and media arts teacher, willl speak about fine art photography and digital media.

Feb 28: Toni Easterson, designer and local artist, will talk about the presence of design in our lives and why it is of vital improtance.

April 25: Karna Hauck, art educator and mother of 4 will talk about how to encourage creative thinking and promote enjoyment for artistic activity in your child.

By the way, I’ll probably bring my brown bag lunch from Tiny’s. Their peanut butter and jelly sandwich is excellent.