Traffic Light and Q Block Discussed on Radio Show

KRLX.jpegThe third in a series of audio shows on local issues, featuring citizen commentators Ross Currier, Tracy Davis and Griff Wigley, is now available on-line. This show was held in the studios of the Carleton radio station and the crew was joined by KRLX news director Morgan Weiland.

Listening to the rather lengthy result, I was pleasantly surprised by the intelligent discussion about the Traffic Light at 3rd Street and Highway 3, proposed development for the Q Block, urban design practices and pedestrian-friendliness. Quite honestly, I recommend it for the wide-ranging thoughts and ideas offered by all four participants.

There is also an excellent summary of the economic development consultant process, with upcoming events, by EDA member Tracy Davis and how she feels it fits into our community development planning process. Griff then prompts me to foreshadow the NDDC’s Monthly Forum for February (February 7th, 8 am at the Archer House), featuring Lynne Young, Library Director, and Jan Feye-Stukas, Library Designer, in a presentation and discussion of the library’s expansion plans.

Finally, Griff announces an upcoming citizen input gathering process headed by Council Member Scott Davis on the City’s funding of Community Media. For those interested in the now-emerging alternative media sources, this process should be of interest.