The Big Wu, a band born in Northfield, is celebrating its 15th year anniversary Thursday, February 16th, at the Upstairs Rueb. Special guest will be Down Lo. It’s an important event that recognizes Northfield’s role as a once and future incubator for artists.
It’s just the beginning of a big weekend in Northfield. On Friday night, the Northfield Arts Guild will host the opening reception of Commuting, a show the recognizes the sometimes grueling reality of many of our citizens. I personally spent approximately 9,375 hours commuting over a 15 year period…and there’s only 8,760 hours in a year. I’m sure that this will be a deeply, if sometimes slowly, moving show for many folks.
Just down the street will be Charlie Parr at Hogan Brothers. As you know if you’ve read my previous blog, I’m a big fan. His new CD, Rooster, is getting a good deal of play on that new, and guiltily pleasureable, radio station that used to be called WCAL.
Up on the hills, there’s things ahappenin’ too. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is being performed at Carleton (8 pm at the Arena Theater) and there’s a Jazz Concert at St. Olaf (8 pm at The Pause). The general public is, of course, welcome.
On Saturday night, Northfield’s favorite band, The Zillionaires, will be playing a free event hosted by the Northfield Historic Society to recognize Chuck Pryor, owner of the Grand Event Center and one heck of a community supporter, starting at 7 pm. T. McKinley will providing the laughs (…as if Wendy Smith’s wit isn’t enough).
There’s also an opening at the Carleton Art Gallery for the Record Show Poster Show (same night, same time, different place). Hey, I bet Brian Kenknight, proprietor of Fine Groove, will even be there.
Of course, even this rather lengthy list misses some of the events in our action-packed town. For more information, check out Rob Shanilac’s Northfield Entertainment Guide.