Tiny’s – Your World Cup Headquarters

Tim Sellars, owner of Tiny’s Dogs All Day, has caught the fever. Even though he knows little more about the Global Game than I do…and that’s next to nothing…he’s decided to join in all the excitement and broadcast both games live, one in each of the two dining areas of his place. Tim believes that Tiny’s is the only non-alcohol, non-smoking World Cup watching venue on earth.

At great personal sacifice, I decided to study this phenomena more closely. I repeatedly swung into Tiny’s yesterday to take note of the action.

At 10 am, it was a banker, a developer and a shrubber (hey Leif, is that the official title or can’t you believe everything you hear on Monty Python?) sitting at the counter trying to figure out the rules of the game. At 2 pm, there were at least 8 high school soccer players, who not only knew the rules but the players’ stats. At 4 pm (pictured here), it was three college students who seemed to be appreciating the air conditioned atmosphere and chilled root beer as much as the soccer games.

Tiny’s will serve fans of all persuasions, even those of Brazil and Germany. However, Tim told me that Tiny’s officially backs the Netherlands.

Maybe there’s a special for those wearing orange…