I’m sure that some of you might challenge my word choice. Harrumph…probably the same people who thought that my “Adults Only Spelling Bee” was a poor phrasing for a Spelling Bee for Adults.
The dictionary says an orgy is “1. A revel involving unrestrained indulgence” and “2. Uncontrolled indulgence in an activity”. If you doubt that teams from Grandpa’s Farm, digs, The Mighty Quacks of Allina, the NDDC, the Northfield City Management Team, Team Faribault, the Cannon Valley Lions Club, Coldwell Banker, Neuger Communications Group, the AAUW, the Healthy Community Initiative, St. Olaf College, the St. Olaf Avenue Spellers, the Northfield Rotary, Carleton’s Untraviolet Catastrophe, the Contented Cow, and Countryside Animal Hospital are going to produce anything less than a revel of uncontrolled and unrestrained indulgence in a spelling activity, you clearly underestimate them.
So come on down(town) and check out the Friends of the Northfield Public Library‘s Spelling Bee for Booker, 7 to 9 pm, at the Grand Event Center.