We, the Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Authority and the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation, certainly appreciate the Northfield News‘ coverage of our Forum on Tuesday. However, and I sure that this will come as a shock to any of you that have ever had any involvement in the media, my quote was attached to the wrong topic.
When I said that “we’re trying to break down this us-versus-them” issue, I was referring to the different retail districts in Northfield, such as Downtown, South Highway and North Highway, not the Chamber, the EDA and the NDDC. One of the priorities for the Forum is finding common ground between the retail districts and working together to effectively market all of Northfield’s restaurants, services and stores to the region.
Trying to whip up a little Super Bowl style excitement from some mythic struggle between groups may help sell ads or tickets but it does a disservice to these organizations that are dedicated to the economic vitality of our community. The implication is that we’re so busy fighting for turf, we don’t have time to work. In the pursuit of increased economic vitality, the challenges are considerable but so, we believe, are the opportunities. We don’t waste time with bickering.
Never have the groups been so closely linked. Currently five of the twelve NDDC Board Members have businesses located on South Highway. The collaboration continues to increase. Over the past few weeks, there have been dozens of contacts between the staff and leadership of the Chamber, the EDA and the NDDC (several of them mentioned on the NDDC blog) as we continue to work together for common goals.
In fact, here’s a picture of me and my homie, hanging in the hood.
See you Tuesday.