Retail Task Force Moves Forward

EDA/NDDC Task Force

The Retail Support Strategies Task Force met for the first time today. After reading the large notebook of previous studies, data collections and business summaries, the group was ready to begin discussing their own perspectives.

Pictured (going around the table) are Margaret Haugen (US Federal Credit Union), Julie Bixby and Norman Butler (Chapati/Contented Cow), Rob Schanilec (By All Means Graphics), Ann Marie Boyle (The Art Store), Sharon Vollbrecht (Quality Appliance), Ross Currier (NDDC) and Kathy Feldbrugge (Chamber of Commerce).

The group discussed the entities that support retail in Northfield, including media, organizations, and events, and their strengths and weaknesses. They also discussed the market focus of these entities, the portion that is residents or visitors, and compared them to the markets for their own businesses. Everyone agreed that the goal is to increase visits to and sales at Northfield businesses.

The group will meet again in a month. Between now and then, they’ll be discussing today’s topics and then moving to the next phase of discussion. All are focused on making “actionable” recommendations to the Economic Development Authority no later than July 1st.