Retail Task Force Ready to Move Forward

Sidewalk Cafe

The Retail Support Strategies Task Force, jointly appointed by the NDDC and the Chamber of Commerce, will begin regular meetings the week of March 12. Both organizations are executing a contract with the Northfield Economic Authority as part of its 2006 Comprehensive Economic Development Plan for the City.

The Task Force members are: Ann Marie Boyle (the Art Store), Colleen VanBlarcom (McDonald’s), Margaret Hauge (U.S. Federal Credit Union), Norman Butler (Chapati/The Contented Cow), Rob Schanilec (By All Means Graphics), and Sharon Vollbrecht (Quality Appliance).

The group has been pouring over data, reports and stakeholder input for several weeks now. Their next step will be to begin developing recommendations for the EDA.

The Task Force is charged with returning its recommendations in a report to the EDA by July 1.

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