The college football teams have their cereal bowl, the city council has its wrestle-mania, and in an effort to try to match all the media hype, let me say…
“Get Ready for the Granola Bowl”.
Carleton President Rob Oden and St. Olaf President David Anderson are the Downtown Forum Speakers, Tuesday, October 2nd, 8 to 9:30 am, in the lower level conference Room of the Archer House, 212 Division Street.
Although they’re old friends from their days in Ohio, both wax poetic on the importance of Downtown to their institutions, and love to talk about the many areas for mutually-beneficial cooperation…
…this meeting promises to be down and dirty, and the dirt will be purely organic.
At last year’s Presidential Forum, they talked about their goals for sustainability. Now they’ve both earned serious bragging rights through their impressive accomplishments in reducing their institutional footprints on our planet.
Come hear about their successes in 2007 and their goals for 2008 for the colleges and the community working together for a better Northfield.