The following are the NDDC Priorities for 2008 as approved at the December 27th Board of Directors meeting.
The priorities, like the NDDC’s work since its creation by Jim Braucher, Keith Covey, Brett Reese and Bardwell Smith in 2000, are structured by the National Trust for Historic Preservation‘s Main Street Program‘s Four Points.
This year, the Board (at Executive Committee Member Keith Covey’s urging) is pushing more of the authority and responsibility out to the committees. In an impressive demonstration of organizing ability, most of the committees have added a number of new members in recent months.
The priorities are outlined below:
Organizing: (Executive and PR/Communications Committees)
- Continue to hold Monthly Forums, Quarterly Block Head Gatherings, Quarterly Chamber and NDDC Board Meetings, and Annual Mixers; Add Intentional Board Visits to Downtown Businesses
- Continue to work on Advocacy for the Board of Appeals, the Downtown Library, Keeping the Liquor Store Downtown and Extending the Mill Towns’ Trail
- Continue to Secure Sufficient Resources for the Organization; Enhance Public Relations Efforts, including Memberships, through Designated Board Committee
Promoting: (Events and Marketing Committee)
- Continue to Lead or Support Efforts in Advertising, Events, Promotions, the Downtown Directory and Restaurant Guide (Creatively Reconceived and Enhanced by the E and M Committee)
- Implement Retail Support Strategies Initiatives as Appropriate and/or Selected by the Designated Board Committee
- Fill Event and/or Promotion Gaps in Annual Calendar as Identified by the RSS Task Force, particularly late January and April
Designing: (Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee)
- Get Bike Racks Sitting in City Shop Installed, Get 6 Additional Bike Racks Installed; Pursue Newspaper Corrals
- Investigate, Advocate and Implement Installation of Public Toilets in Downtown as Recommended by RSS Task Force
- Continue Advocacy on Prioritized Streetscape Issues, Including Expansion and Redevelopment Along the Cannon River
Restructuring: (Expansion and Redevelopment Team)
- Continue to Work on Commercial Property Tax Issue through Raising Community Awareness, Building Regional Coalition, Achieving Legislative Action; Revisit Downtown Management District and Outside Dining
- Implement Appropriate and Selected Business Retention, Expansion and Recruitment Actions Items as Selected by Designated Board Committee
- Advocate for and/or Participate in a High Priority Development Project such as the BCP, the AHR, or the CAC