It’s Carleton Reunion Weekend. Let’s all welcome those folks in maize and blue.
And speaking of Carleton College, it’s their Annual Garage Sale, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. today, Friday, June 19th. The event is also a fund-raiser for the Northfield Union of Youth, better known as The Key.
Also on Friday, Joe Meyer, 7 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge (river side of the historic Archer House , Karaoke, 9 p.m., Rueb’N’Stein, and Bohemian Duo, Contented Cow.
Saturday, June 20th, it’s the Eccentric Circus Concert, 3 to 10 p.m., Sechler Park, David Haack, 5 p.m., Contented Cow, Scandinavian Midsommer, 6 p.m., Way Park, Matt Arthur and the Bratlanders, 7 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge, Burning Chrome, 8:30 p.m., Contented Cow, and DJ Music, 9 p.m., Rueb’N’Stein.
Then Sunday, June 21st, it’s Politics and a Pint, 6 p.m., Northern Roots Session, 7:30 p.m., and Quiz Night, 8 p.m., all at the Contented Cow.
Photo courtesy of Doug Bratland.