Yes, it’s the Defeat of Jesse James Days in Northfield, and this weekend certainly offers a wide variety of cultural activities in downtown. However, there’s a whole lot more going on…
…so don’t let the outlaws scare you away, come on down(town) and join in the fun.
Thursday, September 10th, it’s DJJD Townie Night with Harmonic Voodoo, 5 pm, Entertainment Tent, Pedal Tractor Pull, 5:30 – 8:00 pm, 400 Block of Division Street, Maggie Lee Reception, 5:30 – 8:00 pm, Northfield Historical Society, Carnival Wrist Band Night, 6 to 10 pm, Ames Mill Park, Bingo, 6 pm – 12 am, Bridge Square…and A WHOLE LOT MORE, including Carey Langer, 5 p.m., Contented Cow, Mark Mraz, 7 pm, Tavern Lounge (riverside of the Archer House), Jesse!, 7:30 pm, Arts Guild Theater, Area 51, Contented Cow, Roster McCabe, 9 pm, Rueb’N’Stein, and Karaoke at Froggy Bottoms.
Friday, September 11th, it’s more DJJD events, including Bank Raid Re-enactments, 6:00 and 7:00 pm, 400 Block of Division Street, P.R.C.A. Professional Rodeo, 8 pm, Jesse James Arena and a Square Dance, 8:00 to 10:30 pm, 400 Block of Division Street…and A WHOLE LOT MORE, including the New Moon Trio doing some Cowboy Songs, 5 pm, Contented Cow, Norwegian Cowboy, 7 pm, Tavern Lounge, Jesse!, 7:30 pm, Northfield Arts Guild Theater, Helen, 7:30 pm, Haugen Theater on the St. Olaf College campus, Carey Langer, 7:30 pm, The HideAway, Walker Foreman Band, 8 pm, Contented Cow, D J Music, 9 pm, Rueb’N’Stein, D J Music, Froggy Bottoms, and the RCAs, 11 pm, Contented Cow.
Saturday, September 12th, it’s yet more DJJD events, including the Bike Tour, 6:30 am registration, Northfield Middle School, Antique Tractor Pull and Exhibit, 9 am for the Pull, Jesse James Arena, Car Show, Riverside Park, Craft Show, 9 am to 5 pm, Central Park, Kiddie Parade, 10 am, 6th and Division Streets, the Riverfront Fine Arts and Crafts Festival, 10 am to 5 pm, on both sides of the Cannon River and Vintage Baseball, 1 pm, Old Memorial Field…and A WHOLE LOT MORE, including Fish Frye, 2 pm, Contented Cow, Key West Rejects, 4 to 8 pm, Tavern Lounge, Under Otter Project, 5 pm, Contented Cow, Jesse!, 7:30 pm, Arts Guild Theater, Helen, 7:30 pm, Haugen Theater on the St. Olaf College campus, Glory Muse, 7:30 to 9:30 pm, The HideAway, Matt Arthur and the Bratlanders, 8 pm, Contented Cow, Jack Knife and the Sharps, 8 pm, Grand Event Center, Bellered Yellers, 8:30 pm, Tavern Lounge, Shoeless Revolution, 9 pm, Rueb’N’Stein, and D J Music at Froggy Bottoms.
Sunday, September 13th, the DJJD events continue, climaxing with the Grand Parade, 2 pm, down historic, scenic, authentic Division Street…and A WHOLE LOT MORE, including a Faculty Recital: Ray Shows and John Jensen, 3:15 pm, Urness Recital Hall on the St. Olaf College campus, Politics and a Pint, 6 pm, Northern Roots Session, 7:30 pm, and Quiz Night, 8 pm, all at the Contented Cow.