The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) will focus on its recently completed planning session and the resulting draft work plan for 2010 at the January Downtown Forum. The forum is Tuesday, January 5th, 8 a.m., in the Riverview Conference Room of the historic Archer House River Inn, 212 Division Street.
The NDDC’s planning session was held on November 18th and included its twelve board members and approximately two dozen downtown stakeholders. The group, led by NDDC Board President Keith Covey and Executive Director Ross Currier, got the discussion going with Peter Drucker’s “Five Most Important Questions” to ask about your organization.
Following up on the planning session, Covey and Currier, using comments posted on easel pads and notes taken by NDDC volunteer Jane McWilliams, summarized the responses from the gathered stakeholders. The team then sketched out strategies that turned key concepts into action steps for a draft Work Plan.
The draft was approved by the NDDC Executive Committee and Board of Directors at their December meetings. The January Forum is both a final opportunity for feedback on and initial opportunity for participation in the Work Plan for 2010 by NDDC stakeholders.
The NDDC is a non-partisan, non-profit community organization dedicated to the vitality of downtown Northfield. The event is free and open to the public. As always, coffee and cookies will be served.
For more information, contact Executive Director Ross Currier at (507) 663-0319 or