On to 2010…in Downtown Northfield

NordicJamCowWow, it’s upon us…next year.  Some change could be good…but the familiar can help with the transition.

Monday, December 28th, it’s Poker, 7:15 p.m., Froggy Bottoms, and Nordic Jam, 8 p.m., Contented Cow. Tuesday, December 29th, it’s Acoustic Jam Session, 8 p.m., Contented Cow, with acoustic musicians of all levels, gathering to make music together.  Thursday, December 31st, Chuck Godwin, 6 to 9 p.m., Butler’s Steak and Ale, Marty Anderson and the Goods, 9 p.m., the Tavern Lounge, Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Froggy Bottoms, and New Year’s Party, with live music (provided by Area 51) and more at the Contented Cow.

Friday, January 1st, Goodsell Observatory Open House, 7 to 9 p.m., Carleton College, Joe Meyer, 7 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge (riverside of the Archer House), and D J Music, 9 p.m., Rueb’N’Stein.  Saturday, January 2nd, Wake-Robin, 12 to 1 p.m., Bittersweet, Dan Case, 7 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge, D J Music, 9 p.m., Rueb’N’Stein, D J Music, Froggy Bottoms, and Chance Meeting, Contented Cow.  Sunday, January 3rd, Politics and a Pint, 6 p.m., Northern Roots Session, 7 p.m., and Quiz Night, 8 p.m., all at the Contented Cow.