Downtown Neighborhood Meeting on 4th Street Reconstruction

Mayor Rossing sent the NDDC an e-mail yesterday about a neighborhood meeting/open house on the 4th Street Reconstruction Project.  The meeting is next Monday, March 15th, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers at City Hall.

Many of you are aware that we are going to experience the reconstruction of 4th Street this summer, not unlike the recent reconstruction of 5th Street.  Monday’s meeting will be an opportunity to hear more about it.

The meeting will also be a chance to offer input on the final design.  Apparently there have been some different opinions expressed during the design process regarding street trees, bump-outs, and flower pots.

If you have thoughts on these design elements or just want to hear more on the project, head down to City Hall, Monday, March 15th, at 6:00 p.m., to join the discussion.

Photo courtesy of Griff Wigley.