Many of you know that the NDDC organization was based on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Program. Some you might be aware that I’ve been serving on the state steering committee to bring the Main Street Program back to Minnesota. Well, we succeeded.
Earlier this month, the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota signed a contract with the National Main Street Center to officially launch Minnesota Main Street as the statewide coordinating program. This action was taken based on an agreement with the Minnesota Historical Society for a $100,000 grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund to finance this work.
Not that I’m claiming much credit for this impressive accomplishment. Most of the work was performed by Preservation Alliance Executive Director Bonnie McDonald and much of the inspiration was generated by Steering Committee Chair Tim Griffin. As usual, I worked to include the challenges and opportunities of downtown stakeholders in our discussions. I will say that it has been an honor and a pleasure to work with Bonnie and Tim, as well as the rest of the often-changing membership of the committee.
As regular readers of this blog are aware, the Main Street Program focuses on Four Points: Organizing, Promoting, Designing, and (Economic) Restructuring. We at the NDDC are hopeful that the re-establishment of the Main Street Program in Minnesota will support our efforts to strengthen our historic, scenic, and authentic downtown.
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