Historical Society Features Historical Downtown

The Northfield Historical Society is celebrating the opening of its new exhibit with an Open House and Reception, Thursday, August 26th, from 5 to 8 p.m. It’s history, friends, food and fun, all in Northfield’s beloved, historic, iconic Scriver Building.

The exhibit is titled “Taking Northfield History to the Next Level”.  It features photographs from early downtown Northfield in an unusually large format.  Executive Director Hayes Scriven promises that you will see downtown Northfield like you’ve never seen it before!

So come on down(town) to the Northfield Historical Society and join in the celebration of their new exhibit and our historic, scenic, and authentic downtown.  The event is free and open to the public.  I’m sure that Hayes will have a cookie for you.

One thought on “Historical Society Features Historical Downtown

  1. I will do better than that! One of the great downtown business, Just Foods Co-op has donated the food for the event! So come down for some great tasting local food!

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