NDDC Joins Chamber for February Forum

Instead of the standard “second Tuesday at the Archer House” monthly Forum, the NDDC is joining the Chamber for a Northfield Area Business Forum on Friday, February 4th, 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. at Community Resource Bank Uptown (1605 Heritage Drive).

The guests will be State Senator Al DeKruif and State Representative Kelby Woodard.  The legislators will provide updates and comments, but they also want to hear from local business owners, employers, and property owners.  The topics will include:

  • The State Budget
  • Commercial Property Taxes and Corporate Income Taxes
  • Transportation Investment
  • Education Funding
  • Economic Development
  • Healthcare

The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.  All Partners of the NDDC and Members of the Chamber are invited.  Coffee and doughnuts will be served.

RSVP: Reservations are requested.  Please RSVP by contacting the Chamber office.  E-mail: info@northfieldchamber.com or Telephone: 507-645-5604.  For more information or questions, contact rcurrier@nddc.org or 663-0319.