9th Annual Taste of Northfield, Thursday, May 29th, 5:00 to 10:00 p.m., Bridge Square, in downtown Northfield, MN.
The Taste of Northfield only happens because of you. Without the hundreds of hours of volunteer time, the Taste would not happen.
There’d be no one to staff the food ticket booth. There’d be no one greeting people at the beer garden. There’d be no talent on the stage. And there’d be no one to pick up the barricades for the Bank Raid, carry the banquet tables for the wine tasting, put up all the signage around Bridge Square, and put it all back at the end of the evening.
There are also some out-of-pocket costs. Licenses, fees, utilities, and a few other services cost money. Fortunately, we have a few sponsors to thank.
Thanks to our Cornerstone Sponsors: Archer House River Inn, Carleton College, City of Northfield, College City Beverage, Convention & Visitors Bureau, First National Bank of Northfield, KYMN, MOM Brands, Neuger Communications Group, Northfield News, Rebound Enterprises, and Service Master.
Thanks to our Business Boosters: Chapati Cuisine of India, Community Resource Bank, The Contented Cow Pub, Defeat of Jesse James Days Committee, Franek Electric, Heartman Insurance, Hogan Brothers Acoustic Cafe, Northfield Lines, J. Grundy’s Rueb’N’Stein, Northfield Historical Society, Northfield Patch, Northfield Police Department, Northfield Streets & Parks, Rick Pavek Construction, Taylor Truck Line, Upper Lake Foods, Waste Management, and Willie’s Shoe Repair.
And thanks to our Corporate Sponsors: By All Means Graphics, The Cowles Family, The Grand Event Center, and the Northfield Liquor Store.
That’s the 9th Annual Taste of Northfield, Thursday, May 29th, 5:00 to 10:00 p.m., in the heart of our community, Bridge Square.