The Northfield Arts Guild, a local non-profit serving the community since 1959, has produced a new festival. The Cannon River Roots Music Festival premieres Saturday, July 26th, in Bridge Square, the heart of Northfield.
It’s a fun time down by the river, listening to American roots music. The Cannon River Roots Festival will present a full day of bluegrass, blues, folk-grass, gypsy jazz, Scottish, Irish, and Nordic music, featuring national, regional, and local musicians. The Festival will also offer programs for folks who love to play, as well as hear, acoustic music, including a jamming workshop and a picking workshop for beginning and intermediate musicians.
The performers include Grammy-Winner Clay Hess, a Powdermilk Biscuit Band Reunion, Ross & McKenzie, Ile Du Berceau, Alabaster Falls, Jon Manners, Chance Meetings, and Hutenanny. It’s a full day of music, from 1:00 to 11:00 p.m., down by the Wild and Scenic Cannon River.
So come on down(town) and listen to the music, at the Cannon River Roots Festival, Saturday, July 26th, in downtown Northfield, MN.