City advisory on downtown parking and curbside/takeout options

The City of Northfield is encouraging downtown businesses to advertise their curbside/takeout options with sidewalk signs AND for residents/visitors to avoid parking for extended periods of time in front of those locations to keep them accessible. See their original memo below for more details.

Thank you for continuing to support local businesses as much as possible!

DATE: March 25, 2020

TO: Downtown Northfield Businesses, Residents

FROM: Northfield Police Department and Community Development Department

Maintaining access to businesses for customers who are picking up merchandise or take-out food items is especially critical during this time of social and economic disruption. To assist our businesses, we encourage all employees and residents to avoid parking in front of businesses to leave those spaces available to customers.

We encourage businesses to draw customer attention during their open hours by using sandwich/sign boards placed near the curb on the sidewalk, in front of the business. These sandwich/sign boards could also serve the purpose of identifying where businesses are trying to draw their customers to for take-out/pick-up. All sandwich boards must be placed on the sidewalk near the curb, and in compliance with ADA policies. Do not place signs where the mobility of pedestrians would be impaired.


Sandwich boards may only be used when businesses are operating/open.

Business owners/employees should not park in 2 hour or 20 minute parking spaces; these parking restrictions will be enforced to keep customer parking available. Thank you.

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