EDA launches second year of Façade Improvement Grant Program

Downtown Northfield businesses can apply for a Façade Improvement Grant from the Economic Development Authority (EDA) between February 1 and March 15.

The Façade Improvement Grant Program is designed to encourage downtown building owners to reinvest in the exterior of their buildings to extend the life of those important structures. The Economic Development Authority will match private investment one-to-one up to $10,000.  This is the second year in the three year pilot program. Last year the EDA granted Games N’ Geeks at 302 Division Street $10,000, which leveraged $33,650 in total investment in the building.

“The Northfield EDA is dedicated to investing in our historic downtown. EDA incentives like the Façade Improvement Program are vital to the long-term economic health of Northfield, especially during this devastating pandemic. The Northfield EDA welcomes the opportunity to work with community members to build Northfield stronger,” said Nate Carlson, economic development coordinator.

The grant program is part of the Economic Development Authority’s strategic plan to revitalize downtown Northfield.  For more information and to fill out an application, visit the city’s website: ci.northfield.mn.us/edagrant

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