Artists on Main Street 2021: Building a Post-Pandemic Community

The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation is proud to announce our 2021 Artists on Main Street projects.  After receiving many strong proposals, a volunteer Public Art Review Committee (established through the City of Northfield’s Arts and Culture Commission) selected five applicants to receive $2,000 each out of the $10,000 grant budget.  These five artists will spend the summer and fall implementing their creative placemaking projects in downtown Northfield!

Project title Lead artist Brief summary
A Breath for Change Epic Enterprise Arts Learners A collaborative installation featuring 3-D self-portraits and birds moving among 3-D trees, culminating in an accessible and inclusive community event and exhibit at the Brick Oven Bakery.
Framing the Scene Erin Ward A free-standing, three-dimensional, mosaiced open frame to be placed along the Riverwalk area.  The interactive sculpture could be used by individuals, friends, groups or families to take pictures.
Literary Steps Kathy Ness Painted replicas of children’s book spines (with titles crowdsourced from the community) on the 16 steps going up to the Division St. side of the Northfield Public Library.
Recipes for Life Catherine Stricklan A mobile screen printing workshop that will pop-up in downtown Northfield and engage the public in creating a screen printed tea towel of a beloved family recipe or treasured words of wisdom from a loved one.
Resilience + the Freshwater Drum Along the Cannon Sophie Rogers A series of workshops and installations of large, performative drawings focusing on the freshwater drum fish and the Ames Mill Dam, cultivating a dialogue on adaptability, resilience and inclusion of our interspecies communities.

Be on the lookout for future news and announcements as these projects develop and begin to take shape throughout downtown!

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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