Taste Tour Passports – Get Yours Today!

The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) is excited to announce the launch of the 2021 Taste Tour Passports! Most summers, the NDDC hosts the Downtown Northfield Taste Tour, an event that brings the community into downtown for an evening of fun and food touring around our local eateries and drinkeries. Given the uncertainty of eventContinue reading “Taste Tour Passports – Get Yours Today!”

This Thursday 7/15 – Bridge Square Block Party!

The summer fun continues in Downtown Northfield with the Bridge Square Block Party series on July 15. We’re partnering with FiftyNorth to bring entertainment and fun activities to the heart of downtown from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. Bring your families and join your friends and neighbors and learn how to line dance at 5:00, listenContinue reading “This Thursday 7/15 – Bridge Square Block Party!”

Artists on Main Street 2021: Building a Post-Pandemic Community

The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation is proud to announce our 2021 Artists on Main Street projects.  After receiving many strong proposals, a volunteer Public Art Review Committee (established through the City of Northfield’s Arts and Culture Commission) selected five applicants to receive $2,000 each out of the $10,000 grant budget.  These five artists will spendContinue reading “Artists on Main Street 2021: Building a Post-Pandemic Community”

Announcing the 2021 Bridge Square Block Party Summer Series!

After a year of cancelled events and limited opportunities to come together as a community, the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) is proud to present a summer series of fun, family-friendly, casual and safe events in Downtown Northfield. On the third Thursdays in June through September, you can join your friends and neighbors at theContinue reading “Announcing the 2021 Bridge Square Block Party Summer Series!”

Reminder! NDDC annual meeting begins at 9am Thursday

All members of the Northfield community (and beyond!) are invited to learn more about the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation, our recent accomplishments, and future goals for sustaining a vibrant downtown Northfield. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursday, May 27th at 9am.  There will be time for Q&A and information about howContinue reading “Reminder! NDDC annual meeting begins at 9am Thursday”