Rethos, Minnesota’s Main Street Coordinating program, was awarded a Paul Bruhn Grant from the National Park Service. This grant program will provide up to $50,000 for historic rehabilitation of second floor interior spaces. Buildings within Northfield’s Historic District are eligible to apply. The goal of Looking Up is to conduct full upper floor restorations of buildings and promote them as the next critical step in preserving historic downtown building stock.
Key Eligibility requirements:
• Located within a Main Streets Minnesota Designated or Network Community (city population less than 50,000)
• Proposed project is to renovate a downtown building that has an already rehabilitated ground floor.
• Structure is eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places – Northfield’s Historic District is eligible.
• A 10% match will be provided by Subgrantee.
• Subgrantee agrees to all preservation agreement/covenant & public benefit requirements.
The application will include:
• Application
• Letter of Support from Main Street Director
• Detailed Scope of Work
• Photos, drawings, original historic architectural drawings
• Budget
Applications will be reviewed by a team of panelists and will look at: preservation connection, accessibility, the completeness of the application, impact of the project on the building, impact of the project in the Main Street district, how well the scope of work is described and how well the cost of the work is documented.
Stay tuned as the guidelines and application become available on the Rethos website, which we will share here. Sign up for our email newsletter to find out when the application is open.