It’s been over a month since the 6th Annual Taste of Northfield ended, but we’re recalling it now both for how much fun it was and also, how successful! This year was the first time that the event spanned two evenings and more people than ever came downtown to enjoy the weather, the food, andContinue reading “Taste of Northfield 2011 Redux”
Category Archives: Neighborhood Atmosphere
Downtown Neighborhood Meeting on 4th Street Reconstruction
Mayor Rossing sent the NDDC an e-mail yesterday about a neighborhood meeting/open house on the 4th Street Reconstruction Project. The meeting is next Monday, March 15th, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers at City Hall.
For a Vibrant Community, Shop Local, Visit Local, Listen Local
It is, of course, a different kind of week. However, there’s still quite a bit going on in downtown Northfield. Tonight, Tuesday, December 23rd, there’s an Exhibit Closing Party, a two-day-early ChARTdonnay, and special sneak preview, 3 to 10 p.m., ArtOnWater Gallery, 217 South Water Street and a Blue Grass and Old Time Jam Session,Continue reading “For a Vibrant Community, Shop Local, Visit Local, Listen Local”
Citizen-Designed Communities
A friend of mine suggested that I read the July/August Architecture MN magazine. My “To-Read” list grows ever longer. Although I obtained a copy back in July, I only recently got around to reading it. It was certainly a worthwhile use of my time. The featured stories are about Liveable Communities. No, it’s not theContinue reading “Citizen-Designed Communities”
Big Hint on Party
Okay, we’ve done Who, What, and Where… now it’s time for WHEN. It’s 6:30 to 9:30 pm on a day where they’ll be doing a little partying down in New Orleans too, also known as the Fat Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. That would be a week from today. I guess that also hints at HOW…Continue reading “Big Hint on Party”