2/17/04 Arts and Recreation Committee Meeting

NDDC Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee
2/17/04 Meeting Minutes

Arts Town Committee:
Will eventually go out of business
Members include Steve Edwins, Kristi Clarke, Karen, Paul and Sam
Goal is the creation of an Arts Coordinating Committee

Arts Festival:
Arts Whirl is the name
Scheduled for August 5th through the 11th
Will include Over and Back, Theatre in the Park
Notice has been sent out to the Performers
Next Meeting will be about Publicity
Hopefully will include a Studio Tour
Working on a 3-year Plan

Artspace/Middle School:
Phase 1 ends in April, Phase 2 ends in July
Rebecca Peterson raised $400,000 from 10 Corporate Donors for Fergus Falls
Currently Defining Vision of Reuse
Working to avoid competition for funds
Survey Space Needs by Disciplines
Arts Guild preparing a sketch of their interest
Bardwell L. Smith Film Society is gathering steam
NAG-NDDC Joint Coordinating Committee will bring together disciplines
Meeting on March 4th, 7 pm at the Middle School

Field Sculpture:
Research cost of moving
Put together a Plaque
Dixon will ask Ray Cox about cost and Jim Braucher about Engineering

Marketing Northfield as an Arts Town:
Downtown Strategies is not much to build on
Arts Calendar Software Integration with links to City, NDDC, Colleges, etc.
Currently hung up due to funding constraints