They’re here! Northfield’s first new set of downtown banners since 2000 were hung last Friday morning. They sport a variation of the Sesquicentennial logo and they read “Historic Northfield since 1855.” The logo was designed by Corrie Erickson and the banner design was done by Rob Shanilec and Caleb McGuire at By All Means Graphics.
The Historic Northfield banners are part of the NDDC Banner Program. The banner program was established to add to the visual excitement of the downtown by increasing the number of banner changes that can occur during the year . We expect to see one or two more sets created in 2005.
Funding for the banner program has been generously provided by the Sesquicentennial Executive Committee, Bierman’s Home Furnishings, the NDDC, Mendota Homes, and J. Grundy’s Reub’n’Stein.
Thanks also to Joel Walinski, Operations Manager for the City of Northfield’s Public Works Department, for his help in installing the banners.