The third new set of banners to appear in the NDDC’s downtown banner program features the graphics and motto of St. Olaf College with a “Welcome to Northfield” theme. Inspired by the NDDC’s recent Historic Northfield and Defeat of Jesse James banners, St. Olaf College is the latest supporter of the NDDC program and the banners went up just in time for Family and Parents Weekend.
NDDC Board Member Amy Gage, of St. Olaf College, talked with NDDC Board President, and banner booster, Dan Bergeson, of Carleton College about getting the banners produced to St. Olaf’s design and specifications. Mere weeks later, the banners were up in Downtown Northfield.
This is also a great opportunity to once again thank the businesses and individuals who have given genereously to support the banner program: Bierman’s Home Furnishings & Floor Coverings, Carleton College, Ben and Marilyn Currier, J. Grundy’s Reub’n’Stein, Malt-O-Meal, Mendota Homes, Northfield Downtown Development Corporation, Northfield Sesquicentennial Executive Committee, St. Olaf College.
As always with the banner installation, thanks go out to Joel Walinski and his team at the City of Northfield for taking the project the last few critical steps to success.