Carleton College, City of Northfield, NDDC and RENew Work Together to Bring Satellite Broadcast to Northfield

The three groups that made a commitment to work together for greater bike and pedestrian safety in Northfield have enlisted the assistance of Carleton College to bring a satellite broadcast of a teleconference to Northfield. The discussion will focus on new ideas and resources for increasing bike and pedestrian safety in communities. The teleconference will be held in the second floor conference room of the Language and Dining Center (gosh, I love that combination, perhaps they could add stringed instruments too) on the Carleton Campus from 1 to 4 pm today. For more information, see below:

The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) announces
“Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning Strategies: From SAFETEA-LU to Safe Routes
to School” as part of its National Teleconference Series. This live
three-hour broadcast will be held May 4, 2006, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm,

The purpose of this broadcast is to highlight key bicycle and pedestrian
provisions of SAFETEA-LU and the administrative efforts underway to
implement them. In addition, a panel of stakeholders will discuss their
successful programs and initiatives. These presentations will provide
insight into the broad range of activities supported by the legislation
and will offer guidance on implementing programs in communities across
the country.

You may tune in to any and all of the broadcast, as it meets your needs.
Each hour will focus on different aspects of the legislation and the
programs that exemplify the opportunities spelled out in the provisions
and guidance. Time at the end of each hour will be held for questions
or comments, which we welcome you to submit to the panel via phone, fax,
or email. More information on each segment is provided on the Web site
(see link below).

If you are unable to join the teleconference live via satellite or
Internet simulcast on May 4, please note that the broadcast will be
recorded and available online after the event. For more information on
viewing the broadcast live or recorded, please go to