The Northfield Public Library, considered by many downtown boosters to be a “magnet” that brings shoppers, visitors and families downtown, could move to a new building on the outskirts of town if a consultant’s recommendations are followed.
The Northfield Downtown Development Corp. (NDDC) is sponsoring its next Downtown Forum on the topic on Tuesday, June 6, at 8 a.m. in the lower-level conference room of the Archer House at Third and Division streets. The forum is open to the public, and refreshments will be served.
Three panelists will discuss how to meet the library’s need for more space whileworking to keep the library within walking distance of downtown — either in its current building, which likely would need expanding, or in a larger facility.
Panelists will include Northfield City Administrator Al Roder, Northfield Public Library Board Chairman Mark Gleason and Carleton College librarian Sam Demas, who recently took a sabbatical to study academic libraries around the world.
The 90-minute forum will include an analysis of the consultant’s recommendations for a $9 million new facility and a presentation by Demas on “cool ideas” for libraries based on his sabbatical study. Ample time will be allowed for the audience to share their thoughts and ideas.