Thank You Heidi and Howard!

Northfield’s Director of Public Works Heidi Hamilton and Director of Resource and Park Planning Howard Merriam (pictured here with myself at the NDDC’s Monthly Forum) are both moving on to bigger and better things. Last week, the NDDC Board of Directors voted to officially thank Heidi and Howard for all the good work that they have done for our community (the letter is in the mail).

From humble beginnings (read their body language, Howard looks like I’m spinning a line of bull and Heidi appears to think that I’m going to steal her purse…yeah, they probably both had a point, I was often trying to convince Howard of something and forever try to slip my hands into Heidi’s budget) our relationships truly blossomed and was rich in (I believe) mutual benefits. Heidi always worked to sincerely take even my craziest ideas seriously and Howard was always the most accessible to citizen input person on the staff. The NDDC felt like they both recognized how hard we were working for the vitality of our beloved Downtown Northfield and tried to support our efforts whenever possible.

Well, they’re off to the bright lights and the big bucks of the Metro Area and we’re really gonna miss them. We wish them the best of luck and hope that now and then we’ll see them on the sidewalks, at the coffeehouses or in the pubs of Downtown Northfield once again.