It’s Sultry…Downtown

Yeah, it’s cold outside. Frankly, I’m glad for the reminder, sent to us courtesy of those Canadians, that, in spite of the apparent effects of global warming, we live in Minnesota and not Missouri.

In fact, we’re overdue for some of those character-building experiences that you can only get in the North Star State. I mean, any wimp from Arkansas can go out on a night when it’s in the mid-forties. Only we Minnesotans have the… party when the windchill is hovering around zero.

There’s plenty to lure us out from potential hibernation this weekend. On Friday night, Marty Anderson is at the Contented Cow and Jeff Ray is at the Tavern. Saturday features the Just Food Cabaret at the Northfield Arts Guild Theater and Jack Knife and the Sharps at the Grand Event Center. There’s also Lonesome Dan Kase at Hogan Brothers, Gary Heil at the Cow, Bear at the Tavern and DJ Music at the Reub-N-Stein.

So, come on Down(town), see your friends and neighbors, and celebrate being a Minnesotan, even better, being a Northfielder, and check out some of the fine offerings of our Art Town. For details and updates, see the Northfield Entertainment Guide and for contact information, see Visiting Northfield.