South Central College Instructors to Speak on Thriving in a Down Economy and Increasing Leverage from the Internet

The NDDC will present Scott Taylor and Chad Oudekerk, professors from South Central College, at the November Downtown Forum.

The event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 4th at 8 a.m. in the Riverview Conference Room, located in the lower level of the Archer House, 212 Division Street, in downtown Northfield. Local business owners are encouraged to attend this valuable session on timely topics.

Scott Taylor is a Small Business Management professor at the Faribault campus. He is well known to a number of successful downtown business owners in Northfield. Chad Oudekerk is a Small Business Management professor at the North Mankato campus. He is recognized as the school’s web site expert.

Small business success is never easy. It takes smart decisions and hard work. With increased competition from new sources and the reality of a slowing economy, the challenge can be even greater. Come hear Scott and Chad share their ideas for getting more from your small business.

The NDDC is a non-partisan, non-profit community organization dedicated to the vitality of downtown Northfield. The event is free and open to the public. As always, coffee and cookies will be served.

For more information, contact Executive Director Ross Currier at (507) 663-0319 or