NDDC Board Outlines Work Plans for 2009

DecemberBoardMeeting.jpgAt their December meeting, the NDDC Board outlined the organization’s Work Plans for 2009. Moving clockwise and starting from the left are: Mark Quinnell, Leanne Stremcha, Anastasia Balfany, Dave Shumway, Joe Grundhoefer, Mary Rossing, Keith Covey, Dan Bergeson, Rob Schanilec, Greg Kneser, Robert Bierman, and Jessica Paxton.

As is the NDDC’s on-going practice, the projects and programs are organized by the Four Points of the Main Street approach created in 1977 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Board envisions a vigorous start for 2009. The final draft of the Work Plans is presented below:


(Board and Executive Committee)

• Re-establish a finance committee.

• Each board member should take on at least one project.

• Need administrative help for executive director in critical areas.

• Two meetings per year with Boards of Economic Development Partners

• Hold six forums and four Block Head meetings in ’09.

• Conduct Twelve Board Visits to Businesses in ’09.

(PR and Communication Committee)

• Increase regular communication with partners and stakeholders

• Finish update of integrated database of partners, stakeholders, and downtown businesses.

• Begin assembling and analyzing baseline market data

• Ship Beta-Stage Retail Index Reference Project in ’09.


(Events and Marketing Committee)

Continue our sponsored promotions, cooperate with other organizations’ promotions and support collaborative efforts of retailers.

• Make progress on a “Virtual Division Street” program.

• Determine use for the new-resident data we get from Welcome Services for You.

• Hold Annual Meeting in ’09.


(Design and Planning Committee)

• Transition from current parking task force into standing committee.

• Advocate for continuing the Streetscape improvement program and a more active downtown maintenance program.

• Revive effort for Newspaper Corrals: Revive this effort. Note: We will need an ordinance requiring all distribution boxes to be located only in corrals.

• Continue advocating for public toilets downtown.

• Promote, support, collaborate in, and contribute to erecting a permanent, changeable copy sign at 5th and Hwy 3 in Ames Park.

(Arts and Culture Committee)

• Serve as Organizational Entity for Sixth Annual ArtSwirl

• Research and Plan, through Task Force, a new Art Fest, possibly for 2010

• Work Collaboratively to Achieve an Intentional and Publicized Calendar for Gallery Crawls


(ER Team)

• Revisit outside dining ordinance; it sunsets in ’09 and will have to be readopted.

• Continue working on property tax reductions.

• Continue working (collaboratively) on In-Fill and Redevelopment Initiative.

• Turbo-Charge efforts on Retention, Recruitment, Restructuring.

• Continue working toward NDDC participation in a high priority development project.