NDDC Reviews Accomplishments for 2008

PattyCashDowntown.jpgThe NDDC Board spent a good portion of their time at the November and December meetings reviewing 2008 Accomplishments, discussing potential Work Plans, and prioritizing Action Steps for 2009. As always, the accomplishments and actions were organized by the Main Street Four Points.

The November meeting focused on a critical review of the Accomplishments and an unconstrained consideration of Work Plans. The December meeting was a progression to greater specificity and emphasize on the Top Priorities for the upcoming year.

The accomplishments discussed in November included:


Operated with two new committees: Events and Marketing & Communications/PR

Continued to Produce Quarterly Block Head Gatherings and Monthly Forums

Conducted Stakeholder, Councilor, Police Chief Meetings on Quality of Life Issues

Set-up Downtown Business Networking Tool (with NEC and CBBC)

Produced First Ever Annual Partnership Celebration


Gave birth to Patty Cash, Downtown’s Bovine Mascot

Produced or Supported Girls Nite Out, June Bug, Taste of Northfield, ArtSwirl, Fall Fest

Established On-going Partnering with CVB and Northfield Historical Society

Continued Popular Welcome Students and Family Weekend Campaigns

Installed 2nd Historic Northfield Sign on Highway 35 (funded by the CVB)


Partnered with Northfield In Bloom

Advocated for Downtown Library Feasibility Study

Continued to Work with City on Banner Program and Spring Cleaning

Celebrated Way-finding Signs Installation, “Harvest” Sculpture Placement

Created North End Design Committee


Continued to Pursue Legislation for Commercial Property Tax Reduction

Conducted Board Visits to New Businesses

Renewed Retention and Recruitment Efforts (with Main Street and LISC)

Created New Partnerships on Business Management Topics (NEC and South Central College)

Initiated In-Fill and Redevelopment Collaboration (with EDA and Chamber)