Four Partners Move Forward on In-fill and Redevelopment Work Plans

The NDDC-led initiative on In-fill and Redevelopment moved to the next phase as the Four Economic Development Partners agreed to present the work plan to their boards for formal adoption.

Board and staff members of the NDDC, EDA, and Chamber of Commerce, along with a staff member of the NEC, joined by a number of commercial property owners and the Mayor of Northfield, reviewed the work plan resulting from the series of summits on in-fill and redevelopment held over the past few months on Saturday morning and gave it an initial “thumbs-up”.

The Partners, stating that their organizational priorities for 2009 include some of the tactics identified by the stakeholder input and that implementation efforts are underway, expressed their belief that the greater the coordination and collaboration of our efforts, the greater the efficiency and effectiveness in our outcomes.

The work plan, or “Matrix”, is a focusing and structuring of the one hundred ideas gathered at the three summits and, in its full format, includes assignment of responsibilities, time-lines, and outcome measures. It is summarized below in a table or view/download the PDF:

In-fill and Redevelopment Action Plan Matrix

Clarifying the Tactics

NDDC 3/12/09

Strategy 1: Re-analyze/Re-evaluate Market Assumptions


1. a. Inventory Existing Market Research (Review Previous Studies)

1. b. Consider Characteristic-Based Marketing (Move Beyond the Geographic Circle)

1. c. Identify Targets with High Potential (Segments with Affinities to Northfield’s Assets)

1. d. Increase Leverage from our Competitive Advantage/Assets (Better Promotion and Targeting)

Strategy 2: Market/Promote Northfield


2. a. Incorporate New Ideas into Marketing Plan (Consider Stakeholder-Generated Suggestions)

2. b. Package Information as User-Ready (Meet Broker Standards for Promotional Materials)

2. c. Coordinate Marketing Efforts (Reinforce “Brand”, Combine Resources, Synchronize Schedules)

2. d. Marketing Website (Post Available Properties on Web)

Strategy 3: Build Community Support


3. a. Northfield Supports Economic Development (Send Message Globally, Live Message Locally)

3. b. Identify/Include ALL Groups (Involve Stakeholders Early and Repeatedly)

3. c. Educate All Groups about Priority (Businesses Mean Jobs, Taxes, Quality of Life)

3. d. Get Buy-In from All Groups (Get Commitment Up-front)

Strategy 4: Review and Enhance Economic Development Toolbox


4. a. Review Existing Toolbox (Evaluate Current Programs)

4. b. Gather Input from Potential Users on BOTH Tools and Obstacles (User Comments are Crucial)

4. c. Enhance Tools, Remove Obstacles (Adjust or Add Programs, Improve Resources)

4. d. Secure Necessary Resources (Find Funds for Crucial Programs)

Strategy 5: Inventory Assets


5. a. Inventory of Opportunities (List of Available Sites)

5. b. Master Plan/Map of Opportunities (Picture of Potential Developments)

Strategy 6: Assemble Resources


6. a. Acquire Land (Support Private and Public Efforts)

6. b. Secure Funds (Turning Dreams into Reality Requires Resources)

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