One of the NDDC’s standing work groups is the Communication Committee. The group takes responsibility for staying connected with downtown stakeholders and for quite some time has consisted of Dan Bergeson from Carleton College, Greg Kneser from St. Olaf College, and Mark Quinnell from State Farm Insurance.
The group works to tell Northfielders about the NDDC, tell the world about Downtown Northfield, and listen to anyone’s and everyone’s offering of ideas. Some of the areas of specific interest, and effort, for 2010 re the monthly Downtown Forums, the effectiveness of the NDDC website and its relationship to the Northfield internet community, and closer collaborations with the colleges in marketing Northfield to the world.
At a recent committee meeting, the group’s discussion of potential forum themes demonstrated the diversity and creativity of the members. Topics suggested for the Downtown Forums included Sustainable Development, Code Implementation for Historic Buildings, Increasing Economic Leverage from the Bike Trail, the Financial Needs of Small Businesses, Living Downtown, Northfield’s Internet Ecosystem, and College Student Drinking.
If you have some suggestions for future forum topics, mention them to Dan, Greg or Mark…or send me an e-mail. We’re always interest in your ideas.