“Jesse” Returns for a Dramatic Start to the Weekend

Northfield’s new Lockwood Theater Company will present “Jesse,” a melodramatic musical about Jesse James, this Thursday through Sept. 11 at the Grand Event Center.  The show was originally performed in 1976 for the centennial of the famous and/or infamous raid.

Thursday, September 2nd, Opening Reception: Chris and Sue Holmquist, 5 to 7 p.m., Studio Elements, Jesse, 7 p.m., Grand Event Center, Mr. Sticky, 8 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge, and Karaoke at Froggy Bottoms.

Friday, September 3rd, Farmers’ Market, 11:45 a.m., Riverside Park, Tim Freeland, 6 to 8:30 p.m., Butler’s Steak & Ale, Jesse, 7 p.m., Grand Event Center, Jacob Hendrick and Ah-Hem, 8 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge, and D J Music at the Rueb’NStein.

Saturday, September 4th, Farmers’ Market and Market Fair, 9 a.m., Riverside Park and Riverwalk, Wendy Russell, 6 p.m., Butler’s Steak & Ale, Todd Thompson Trio, 8 to 11 p.m., Tavern Lounge, Cleveland Ave. Band, 8 to 11 p.m., Contented Cow, and D J Music at the Rueb’N’Stein.

Sunday, September 5th, Jesse, 2 p.m., Grand Event Center, Politics and a Pint, 6 p.m., Northern Roots Session, 7:30 p.m., and Quiz Night, 8 p.m., all at the Contented Cow.

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