A Big Thanks to Our Taste Sponsors

Today (Friday, June 17th) is the second day of the 6th Annual Taste of Northfield.  Although there are still loads of food and fun to be enjoyed in historic, scenic, authentic Downtown, Northfield, MN…we’d like to take a moment and thank the organizations that make the event possible.

Our Cornerstone Sponsors this year are Archer House River Inn, Carleton College, First National Bank of Northfield, KYMN, Neuger Communications Group, and Northfield News.

Our Corporate Sponsors are College City Beverage, and Malt-O-Meal.

Our Business Boosters are By All Means Graphics, Chapati Indian Restaurant, City of Northfield, Community Resource Bank, Contented Cow Pub, Defeat of Jesse James Days Committee, Fette Electronics, Franek Electric, Guth Electric, J. Grundy’s Rueb’N’Stein, Northfield Historical Society, Northfield Municipal Liquor Store, Northfield Police Department, Taylor Truck Line, and, last, but far, far, from least, Waste Management.