The NDDC’s new radio show, hosted by Board Member Joey Robison, debuted this week. The first show focused on the Sixth Annual Taste of Northfield (Thursday, June 16th and Friday, June 17th). Joey’s guests were Julie Bixby, Greg Brown, and Norman Bulter.
It seems only right that the locally-created community economic development organization would have a radio show on the locally-owned radio station. Of course, it helps that station owner Jeff Johnson is an NDDC Board Member.
The show, brain-child of NDDC Board Member Jessica Paxton, has been incubating for months. It will focus on topics that are important to downtown, as well as all of, Northfield.
If you missed the Saturday morning show, you can hear it through KYMN’s archives. Here’s the link to the NDDC Radio Show on KYMN. Enjoy the show and come on down(town) for the Taste of Northfield.