The City of Northfield and Streetscape Task Force will host a Public Open House and Input Gathering Session on Monday, January 30th, 5 to 7 p.m., in the Riverview Conference Room of the Archer House, 212 Division Street.
This is the second in a series of three open house events for the public. The first session focused on the seven Gateway Corridor Areas identified for study. These Areas were the western portion of Highway 19, the eastern portion of Highway 19, the southern portion of Highway 3, the northern portion of Highway 3, Highway 246 at the south of town, Highway 23 at the northwest of town, and County Road 78 at the west of town. Initial concept drawings can be viewed and downloaded from the City’s website:
At this session, the project’s design team will present some of their initial ideas. These ideas include landscape plantings, streetscape treatments, pedestrian walkways, trail links, and bike routes and lanes throughout the project areas as well as at major intersections along the corridors.
The objective is to create a “sense of arrival” for people coming to our town and as they move through and/or into our community. The project will also identify priority needs and opportunities for multi-modal circulation and safety, as well as strengthening the connections between different neighborhoods or sides of our community.
Northfield’s elected officials and professional staff, including the project’s consultant (Bonestroo, now Stantec), as well as members of the Streetscape Task Force, want to hear your thoughts, concerns, and ideas. So please join us, Monday, January 30th, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., at the Archer House.