As many downtown stakeholders are aware, the 2012 City Council directed City Staff to move forward in exploring a project to increase the supply of downtown parking spaces. In addition, the Council directed Staff and the NDDC to gather ideas on increasing leverage from existing downtown parking spaces. Through better management of our assets, we hope to better meet the demand for parking in downtown.
The NDDC and City have identified a number of stakeholder groups. They are: Building Owners, Bicyclists, Restaurant Owners, Retailers, Pedestrians, Office Users, Residents, City Staff, Visitors, College Students, and Public Transportation Users. The plan is to meet with each group and gather their ideas for parking management. Last night, we held our first meeting, with downtown building owners.
The City also decided to conduct what they’re calling an “experiment”. We are trying to increase public outreach and participation using social media. The City hired Wigley and Associates, which recently completed a similar project for another city in Minnesota, to handle the technology components, including a special website for the project.
More information can be obtained from the Northfield Parking website, which will be updated regularly. The website is also the place to offer ideas, ask questions, and share comments on parking management. The stakeholder groups are focused on specific economic functions or transportation roles in downtown parking; the website is cross-functional and for general participation.
Please join the discussion.