Strong Towns Curbside Chat…Coming to Downtown Northfield, MN


The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation will host a Strong Towns “Curbside Chat” on Monday, February 17, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in the Archer House Riverview Conference Room.  The event features Minnesota-based, nationally recognized speaker Charles Marohn, PE, AICP.  Chuck will lead an insightful discussion with local officials, community leaders, and citizens about how Northfield must think to achieve financial sustainability.


What’s a Curbside Chat? The Curbside Chat is a candid presentation followed by discussion with Strong Towns founder Charles Marohn on the future of America’s cities, towns and neighborhoods. Strong Towns is a Minnesota based non-profit organization helping America’s towns achieve financial strength and resiliency; Curbside Chats have been held around the nation to promote complete understanding of costs associated with growth and addressing those costs through productive change in our development pattern and helping local leaders’ transform their communities.


Why is a Curbside Chat important?  Strong Towns proposes a new approach to growth emphasizing obtaining higher rates of return from existing infrastructure investments, full accounting for short and long-term financial obligations local governments have assumed for maintaining infrastructure, and large-scale changes in local zoning regulations to streamline approval processes and provide the necessary regulatory flexibility within existing neighborhoods.


Who should attend?  Curbside Chats are tailored for local officials and community members wanting to learn from case studies on America’s development pattern and  participate in the conversation to help Northfield take control of its financial future and build an economically vibrant and financially sustainable community from the grassroots.

