The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) is hosting a discussion of public infrastructure for multi-modal transportation. The gathering is Monday, May 5th, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the lower level conference room of the historic Archer House, 212 Division Street, in downtown Northfield, MN.
The inspiration for the gathering comes from the recent work of the group BikeNorthfield regarding bicycle infrastructure, including connections between downtown Northfield and the Northfield region, key locations for safety enhancements, and additional bicycle parking. Bicycle commuting and recreational bicycling both are also relevant topics for consideration.
Then the City of Northfield requested stakeholder input on proposed pedestrian enhancements at 3rd Street and Highway 3 (Dahomey Avenue). There are also worthwhile discussions of the challenges to pedestrian crossing of Washington and Woodley Streets. Additional “parking” for pedestrians in the form of benches is also a popular topic.
Finally, it is hard to imagine downtown stakeholders coming together without discussing motor vehicle parking enhancement in the downtown district. Areas of greatest need, locations of greatest potential, and uses and sources of funding for motor vehicle parking are frequent subjects.
If these topics of are interest to you, please join us for the discussion. The NDDC is a non-partisan, non-profit community organization dedicated to the vitality of downtown Northfield. For more information, contact Executive Director Ross Currier at 507-663-0319 or