2019 NDDC Partnership Campaign

Dear Friend of Downtown Northfield,

From its founding nearly two decades ago, the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) has dedicated itself to support, strengthen, and grow Northfield’s unique and historic downtown. Vibrant and relevant downtowns, like the one we all enjoy in Northfield, don’t just happen by accident. They take resources, time, strategy, planning, and execution by people and organizations focused on their downtowns.

We write today to update you on some the NDDC’s recent activities and to ask for your tax-deductible financial support during our annual Partnership Campaign. You can trust that your donation will be spent wisely, improving our community by supporting effective programs designed to elevate Northfield’s reputation, encourage downtown engagement, and enhance downtown design.

Strong collaborations make for stronger downtowns:

  • The NDDC’s work contract with the City of Northfield supports City and EDA strategic initiatives, such as the Riverfront Enhancement Task Force and the forthcoming facade improvement program.
  • Sharing office space with the Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Northfield Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Northfield Enterprise Center has helped deepen our relationships with all three organizations and enhanced events such as Crazy Daze and Winter Walk.
  • The NDDC partnered with community stakeholders to achieve Minnesota Main Street designation and has reorganized its board committee structure to align with the Main Street program’s Four Point Approach: economic vitality, design, organization, and promotion. Our goal is to involve more community members and stakeholders in the work of the committees.
  • The NDDC was awarded funding from Minnesota Main Street to support the Artists on Main Street program and purchase new downtown banners and benches.
  • Ten public art projects highlighted the first year of the Artists on Main Street initiative, a collaboration between the NDDC, the Northfield Arts Guild and the City of Northfield’s Arts and Culture Commission.
  • The NDDC and the Arts and Culture Commission unveiled the winning design from their street banner competition. The new banners were on lamp posts along Division Street and Water Street in downtown Northfield earlier this fall. The Public Art Review Committee reviewed and selected the winning design.
  • The NDDC’s Downtown Northfield Taste Tour is always a great time!  Our annual food crawl event draws hundreds of people who savor and sip their way through downtown, enjoying delicious food and drinks at several different locations. Proceeds from the event help support our local businesses and future NDDC programming. This year’s Taste Tour raised more than $3,000 and included 15 restaurants, eateries, and breweries.
  • The NDDC’s strategic plan in the year ahead includes hosting stakeholder meetings for gathering feedback and building community with downtown businesses and building owners.

The NDDC could not do its work without the financial support of our community. The goal for the 2019 Partnership Campaign is $15,000. We are halfway there and would be delighted to have your support. If you wish to donate online with a credit card, simply follow this link.  If you wish to donate by check, it can be sent to: NDDC, 19 Bridge Square, Northfield, MN 55057. The NDDC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so your contribution is 100% tax-deductible.

Thank you very much for your consideration and support. See you downtown!


The NDDC team:

Greg Siems, Executive Director

Dan Bergeson, Carleton College (retired)

Joe Hargis, Carleton College

Greg Heymans, Hogan Brothers Acoustic Cafe

Kathleen Holmes, University of St. Thomas

Charlie Kyte, Peer Solutions

Mark Lancaster, Northfield Insurance

Kris Layman, Prema Studio

Sherri Meyers, Just Food Co-op

Brett Reese, Rebound Enterprises

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